Mulder and Scully head to Florida to meet with Arthur Dales and get stuck in a bad sitcom in “Agua Mala”, and then the agents get stuck in the same day in “Monday”.
Tuning In Episode 104: The X-Files: Agua Mala/Monday

Mulder and Scully head to Florida to meet with Arthur Dales and get stuck in a bad sitcom in “Agua Mala”, and then the agents get stuck in the same day in “Monday”.
-When I watched the original run as a teenager I loved that this episode seemed to be a subtle continuation of the “Scully can’t die” thing you guys talked about with the photographing Death episode, like how Mulder only has the waterbed because of time getting all messed up, which gets Scully exploded, so the universe/fate keeps resetting everything until she’s alive like she’s supposed to be. Now looking back on it, I think all that stuff was maybe just Vince Gilligan making a joke about how lead characters are never in any real danger.
Eric Brasure
-I think it can be both!