The X-Files gives us its first Skinner episode, with “Avatar”, and it’s one of Eric’s favorite episodes of the show. Then, in “Quagmire”, the writer of “Revelations”, Kim Newton, does her spin on a Darin Morgan episode. Also! Eric really wants a red raincoat. Too bad he no longer lives in Portland.
Tuning In Episode 69: The X-Files, Avatar/Quagmire

-And, apparently, Quagmire has Darin Morgan’s handwriting all over it as he did a rewrite of Kim Newton’s script. Keep in mind that he still was a staff writer at that point.
I think at about this time of the show’s original run I had to stop watching it on a regular basis due to Real Life™ taking over. So Quagmire with its more subdued Morgan-esque humor and the remarkable conversation on the rock remains as a very satisfying ending to my X-Files experience. Thank you both for this extended trip down memory lane (as the saying goes). I think I’ll keep on listening at least until you’ve talked about certain episodes of the 4th season which I didn’t watch but that were hard to ignore nonetheless. And then on to the movies…
Eric Brasure
-I didn’t know that re: Darin Morgan’s rewrite–that makes a ton of sense!