The solution to the alien conspiracy gets a bit further away in “End Game”, and then in “Fearful Symmetry”, an invisible elephant wreaks havok in Idaho. iTunes RSS
Tuning In Episode 54: The X-Files, End Game/Fearful Symmetry

The solution to the alien conspiracy gets a bit further away in “End Game”, and then in “Fearful Symmetry”, an invisible elephant wreaks havok in Idaho. iTunes RSS
The X-Files does a voodoo story this week, in “Fresh Bones”, and it’s… not bad? Then, in “Colony”, the alien conspiracy heats up and a person from Mulder’s past makes a return. iTunes RSS
The first X-Files episode lacking any paranormal elements, “Irresistible” is a pretty successful episode with a great creep factor. Then, in “Die Hand Die Verletzt”, Richard’s love and Eric’s hate of camp collide. Plus! Goodbye, Glen Morgan and James Wong. Or is it “see you later”? iTunes RSS
This week, The X-Files takes on a journey to the most terrifying place on Earth, a nursing home, in “Excelsis Dei”. Then in “Aubrey”, a serial killer stalks a small town. iTunes RSS
“Ice” was such a success for The X-Files that they kept trying to recapture that magic, including in this week’s “Firewalker”, which is just… okay. Then in “Red Museum”, a small town deals with a mysterious cow problem. iTunes RSS
Mulder goes it alone in “3” to varying results, and then Scully returns in “One Breath”, which is an apt title since the audience was holding their breath waiting for her to come back. iTunes RSS
Mulder gets called into a dicey situation in “Duane Barry” and Scully takes a trip in “Ascension”. iTunes RSS
A bunch of people in Pennsylvania are murdering people in “Blood” and it’s up to Mulder to figure out why. Then, in “Sleepless”, the tragic consequences of insomnia are revealed. iTunes RSS
Welcome to season two of The X-Files! Mulder and Scully are separated, but that doesn’t stop them! In “Little Green Men”, Mulder travels to Puerto Rico, and in “The Host”, the show gives us perhaps its scariest episode yet. Promising start to the season! iTunes RSS
We close out season one of The X-Files with “Roland”, the story of one man who apparently hates his brother. Then, in the season finale, “The Erlenmeyer Flask”, Mulder and Scully once again fail to actually keep any evidence of alien life. Way to go, guys. iTunes RSS